Cancellation & Refund/Chargeback Terms and Conditions

1. Period for Cancellation and Refund

You have the right to cancel your services agreement within 10 days from the date of payment receipt (Online or offline) referred to as “Period for Cancellation”) and refund of your amount shall be processed as per the applicable process and procedures agreed by MyTwin and you . We encourage all our customers to read the service agreement carefully and avail the period for cancellation facility in case the terms and conditions of the service agreement document don’t match your understanding. Further, you understand that once you place a cancellation request within the period for cancellation, the service agreement gets cancelled and service fee is refunded to you subject to deduction of (i) administrative charges (ii) service cost like stamp duty etc. and; (iii ) Charges for the period the service agreement was in force. Please note such deduction is at the sole discretion of the MyTwin.

2. Chargebacks

You (cardholder) may dispute a transaction carried out through our Website and file a Charegback with your issuing bank for the reversal of that transaction. Chargeback allows transactions to be reversed by you under specified circumstances such as, on account of (i) alleged forgery of the card number / bank account or other details (ii) any charge/debit made on a card that has been listed as a hot listed card or otherwise listed on the card association (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) warning bulletins (iii) duplicate processing of the transaction; or (iv) for other reasons as per applicable rules and guidelines issued by RBI, card Associations, your card/payment instrument issuing bank etc. However, we reserve the right to reject a Chargeback, under certain conditions as stated above.